Author: fabio

Lautman Thoughts

Paradox of Choice

I recently received an appeal in the mail from an organization I support. The letter and case for support were strong, but when I got to the reply form, my...
Industry Articles

Fundriaisng Day in New York City

Key Concepts from Three Outstanding Educational Programs at Fundriaisng Day in New York City on June 12, 2015 Within the heart of every fundraiser lies a realist, an idealist, and...
Co-op Bulletin

Find the Best New Donor Here

As a nonprofit, you’ll probably be sending out your fall acquisition mailing in the next few months hoping to bring in a lot of new donors to support your cause....
Lautman Thoughts

#Bridge15 Take-aways

With over half our staffers attending the 2015 DMAW and AFP Bridge to Integrated Marketing Conference this past week, Lautman Maska Neill & Company came away with an assortment of...
Industry Articles

Giving USA: Americans Donated an Estimated $358.38 Billion to Charity in 2014; Most in Report’s 60-year History

Healthier American economy, as measured by multiple indicators, was engine for 7.1 percent growth in charitable giving CHICAGO (June 16, 2015)—Americans gave an estimated $358.38 billion to charity in 2014,...
Lautman Thoughts

Lady Gaga and the Importance of Relationships

What I Learned at Fundraising Day in New York If you were at the AFP’s Fundraising Day in New York last week, you heard the incomparable Emily Rafferty (president of...
Company News

2015 Package of the Year Awards Announced

Washington, DC, June 2015 Lautman is proud to announce that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Annual Fund Launch package was runner up in the Mid-Level Renewal category of the...
Co-op Bulletin

Higher Postage Rates – What Do They Mean for You?

Benjamin Franklin has been credited with saying, “Nothing is certain but death and taxes.”  However, if you’re fundraising through the mail, you know it’s safe to add, “And the Postal...
Lautman Thoughts

Back to the (Digital) Drawing Board

Why Mobile Optimization Matters We hear a lot these days about the importance of subject lines, and other techniques to get your fundraising emails to work harder. We’ve also been...
Company News

2015 Postal Rate Increase

Postal rates for several mail classes and special services are increasing on May 31, 2015. See a quick summary of the changes below. Any questions, contact us!