Author: fabio

Co-op Bulletin

What’s Your Resolution?

Happy New Year! If your office is anything like ours, there’s been plenty of talk about New Year’s resolutions. From losing those extra few pounds to finally cleaning up that...
Company News

New Year Brings Promotions and New Hires

Lautman Maska Neill & Company Announces Promotions and New Hires Lautman Maska Neill & Company, an award-winning consulting firm specializing in direct response fundraising for non-profits, announced the promotions of...
Company News

Inaugural Kay Lautman Mentorship Award Goes to Greg Adams

Kay Lautman (1938-2012) was a pioneer in the field of Direct Response Fundraising, but more than that, she was a mentor to many in the field — a woman who...
Co-op Bulletin

Creating Year-End Emails in a Snap!

As 2014 begins to wind down, those of us in the fundraising sphere are kicking into overdrive. In fact, the weeks between now and December 31st will see most non-profits...
Lautman Thoughts

The Importance of Being Earnest

Be Authentic:  Don’t Trip Yourself Up Worrying About Being “Original” As fundraisers, we often groan when we approach our umpteenth year-end appeal or annual renewal mailing.  We feel we have...
Industry Articles

Charitable Giving: How to evaluate and support good causes

With the holiday season upon us, small businesses will once again find their mailboxes overflowing with charitable appeals. A recent report by Blackbaud, a software provider for nonprofits, found that...
Co-op Bulletin

Gift Acknowledgement Ideas For New Donors

Everyone in fundraising knows that we are quickly coming up on the season of giving. So if you are like most of the groups in our Meals on Wheels Cooperative...
Industry Articles

Member Spotlight

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT:  Amy Sukol Executive Vice-President Like many people in our industry, I fell into direct response fundraising by chance. Fresh from college and armed with a degree in history and...
Lautman Thoughts

AMMC Conference Teaches This Old Dog New Tricks

Five Take-aways to Raise More Money and Get More Members 250 museum membership professionals gathered in St. Louis the week of October 20th with one goal: to give us some...
Lautman Thoughts

Too Hot to Handle … How to Turn Warm Prospects into Donors

Do you have a large pool of advocates, old friends or subscribers that you are struggling to turn into donors? Do you want to take full advantage of all the...