Author: fabio

Industry Articles

Education Opportunities for Non-Profit Executives

“I don’t have time to sit in a conference for three days.” This is a common refrain from Executive Directors, CEOs, Board Chairs, Chief Development Officers and other non-profit leaders...
Lautman Thoughts

Functional Creativity

  4 Tips for Achieving Real Creativity in Your Direct Response Fundraising Program Imagine for a minute that you’re remodeling your bathroom. You’re looking for something new and different. Something...
Lautman Thoughts

How to Raise Money from Baby Boomers

I recently read a stat that 70% of US disposable income is controlled by Baby Boomers. Taken together with the stat from Blackbaud’s “Next Generation of American Giving” report that...
Industry Articles

Member Spotlight: Emerging Leader

Lesley Hostetter was named DMAW’s 2013 “Emerging Leader” during Best of Direct in December. Her secrets? Since graduating from St. Michael’s College in Burlington, VT, this New York native spent...
Industry Articles

Learning From MAXI Excellence

It’s MAXI Season and time to start looking at the winners, which can be as simple as a postcard … or just the right combination of message and integration …...
Lautman Thoughts

Five Take Aways from the February DMA-NF Conference

A snowstorm is no match for the direct marketing industry! Last week, the morning after the biggest winter storm of the year, hundreds of fundraising and marketing professionals braved the...
Lautman Thoughts

What Kind of Friend are You? Building Relationships That Last

The world lost a noted philanthropist over the holidays with the death of Robert Wilson, who in his lifetime gave over $500 million to various charities. And while we generally...
Co-op Bulletin

Do You Know Where Your Online Fundraising Plan Is?

It’s December – do you know where your online fundraising plan is? If not, here are the three words you need to know to maximize online fundraising success between now...
Lautman Thoughts

#GivingTuesday – Worth the Fuss?

It’s mid-December and Giving Tuesday has come and gone. It’s been reported by Blackbaud, #GivingTuesday, and many other news sources that significantly more money was raised this year compared with...
Company News

Lesley Hostetter Named DMAW’s 2013 Recipient of the Emerging Leader Award

Lautman’s own Lesley Hostetter was honored with DMAW’s 2013 Emerging Leader Award by the Direct Marketing Association of Washington Lautman Maska Neill & Company announced today that Lesley Hostetter was...