Author: fabio

Lautman Thoughts

How Do You Measure Success in Acquisition?

Your fundraising acquisition campaign is out the door. Gifts are coming in and you are excited and ready to analyze the results of the campaign. But with so many statistical
Company News

Mike Deflavia Elected Board President of DMAW

Mike DeFlavia Chosen to Lead Direct Marketing Association of Washington for 2013 Mr. DeFlavia, who became DMAW president on Jan. 1, will serve a one-year term. Outgoing DMAW president Hilary...
Industry Articles

Direct Response: Not So ‘Direct’ Anymore?

Our brave, new, multichannel world calls for a look at the larger picture of response.
Company News

Lisa Maska Named Marketer of the Year

Lisa Maska Honored by the Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association for Making Significant Contributions to the Direct Marketing Fundraising Industry Washington, DC — Lautman Maska Neill & Company, full-service direct response...