Big Ideas
Thought leaders. Creative strategists. Direct marketing gurus. We’re all of the above. And when it comes to direct response fundraising in the nonprofit world, we’ve got big ideas. We’ll help you stay informed about the latest happenings in the industry and in our Company and we’ll showcase recent innovations in direct response fundraising both on and offline. Check back here often for fresh content on multichannel integration, year-end fundraising, donor cultivation, sustainer giving, planned giving and much more!
Company News
Lautman Maska Neill & Company Announces a Rebrand
Washington, D.C. — Since our founding in 1992, the ampersand (&) has been a key element of the Lautman Maska Neill & Company brand. And now, after more than 30... Read more »
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New & Noteworthy
Company News
Lautman Wins Big at 2019 DMFA Awards
We’re thrilled to announce that Lautman Maska Neill & Company won big at the 2019 Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association (DMFA) Awards show this year. The prestigious DMFA AWARDS give members...
Co-op Bulletin
This Summer, Temperatures Aren’t the Only Thing Rising
Paper costs increased dramatically in 2018. And, based on early indications for 2019, this trend will continue. We are expecting up to three more increases in uncoated paper costs this...
Co-op Bulletin
State of the (Fundraising) Union
We are just now getting enough distance from 2018 to start analyzing overall giving trends in what turned out to be, shall we say, an interesting year for nonprofit fundraising....
Co-op Bulletin
An Important “Message” about March for Meals
Since 2002, Meals on Wheels programs have come together to shine a spotlight on seniors in need with March for Meals events in communities across the country during the month...
Company News
Lautman Account Director to Serve as DMAW Board President
We are pleased to announce that Marie Kosanovich, Account Director, has been elected as the President of the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW) Board of Directors for 2019. The...
Co-op Bulletin
Is It Time to Invest?
Investing (Resources) Wisely If your organization is like many, your development department is over-worked. You probably don’t have the resources you need to do everything you want to do, and...
Co-op Bulletin
Four Things to Do If You Have Four Minutes to Spare
The clock is ticking on year-end giving! And, if you are like most fundraisers, you probably have more money to raise before 2018 ends. The good news is that it’s...
Industry Articles
We entered muggles. We left magicians.
I think it was Dumbledore who once said, “Magic is best taught in the morning.” In truth, I’m not sure he said this. But morning was the perfect time for...
Industry Articles
The Magic Your Organization Needs
So often, the situation is the same: you’ve worked hard to acquire loyal, valuable donors. They receive a great series of appeals each year that use innovative strategies and best...
Lautman Thoughts
Fundraising With Your Phone
Do you know the amount of time the average American spends on their phone each day? 4 hours a day! That’s 240 minutes we, as fundraisers, have to get their...
Co-op Bulletin
Are You Ignoring Your Mid-Level Donors?
Mid-level donors can be the “middle child” in the fundraising family. Oftentimes, you know who your major donors are — you’re busy cultivating them and making asks. And you’re mailing...
Lautman Thoughts
4 Things You Should Know About 2017 Giving
There were major shifts in charitable giving in 2017 — it truly was a year like no other! Carol Rhine, Principal Fundraising Analyst at Target Analytics, recently dove deep into...