Big Ideas
Thought leaders. Creative strategists. Direct marketing gurus. We’re all of the above. And when it comes to direct response fundraising in the nonprofit world, we’ve got big ideas. We’ll help you stay informed about the latest happenings in the industry and in our Company and we’ll showcase recent innovations in direct response fundraising both on and offline. Check back here often for fresh content on multichannel integration, year-end fundraising, donor cultivation, sustainer giving, planned giving and much more!
Company News
Lautman Maska Neill & Company Announces a Rebrand
Washington, D.C. — Since our founding in 1992, the ampersand (&) has been a key element of the Lautman Maska Neill & Company brand. And now, after more than 30... Read more »
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New & Noteworthy
Company News
2015 Postal Rate Increase
Postal rates for several mail classes and special services are increasing on May 31, 2015. See a quick summary of the changes below. Any questions, contact us!
Co-op Bulletin
Increasing Your Email List the Easy Way
"How can we get more email addresses?" It’s a question we hear a lot, and for good reason. While most donors still aren’t making their donations online (the latest study shows...
Co-op Bulletin
6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Fundraising Emails
Email is a critical — and profitable — fundraising tool for non-profits. But, everyone’s inboxes are overloaded with emails every day. So how can you make your messages stand out? ...
Industry Articles
Taget Analytics | donorCentrics™ Index of Direct Marketing Fundraising 2014 Results
Q4 2014 Summary Revenue for the index grew slightly in 2014, increasing a median 1.5% from 2013. 58% of the organizations in the index had revenue increases and 42% had...
Industry Articles
Communication is Key to Saving Money
Recently, I attended the DMAW’s Direct Mail 101 seminar. The major takeaway I had from the eight different sessions is that at every step of the process, proper communication can...
Co-op Bulletin
Get Your Share o’ the Green
Everyone has the luck of the Irish today. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we want to share with you – our friends – some of the easiest ways to...
Co-op Bulletin
Ah, the Power of the Pen!
As fundraisers, we write a lot of letters. Whether we’re asking for support, acknowledging a generous contribution or cultivating donors by sharing the story of someone we’ve helped, we’re constantly...
Industry Articles
The 2014 Charitable Giving Report
Blackbaud’s 2014 Charitable Giving Report includes 24 months of overall giving data from 4,798 nonprofit organizations representing more than $16.2 billion in total fundraising. The report also includes online giving...
Lautman Thoughts
Understanding Donors — The Old Fashioned Way
As direct response fundraisers, we spend a great deal of time trying to understand our donors and potential donors. We study retention rates and website abandonment stats. We do donor...
Industry Articles
Obama Budget Again Calls for Limit to Charitable Deduction
Charity leaders expressed disappointment that President Obama once again pushed to limit the charitable deduction in the budget blueprint he sent to Congress on Monday. Part of a massive $4-trillion...
Lautman Thoughts
My Four Fundraising Resolutions for 2015
New Year’s Resolutions – we’ve all made them. Exercise more. Eat better. Complain less. The goal is always the same: to live a better life. But what about fundraising? What...
Co-op Bulletin
What’s Your Resolution?
Happy New Year! If your office is anything like ours, there’s been plenty of talk about New Year’s resolutions. From losing those extra few pounds to finally cleaning up that...