Industry Articles
Industry Articles
Fundriaisng Day in New York City
Key Concepts from Three Outstanding Educational Programs at Fundriaisng Day in New York City on June 12, 2015 Within the heart of every fundraiser lies a realist, an idealist, and...
Industry Articles
Giving USA: Americans Donated an Estimated $358.38 Billion to Charity in 2014; Most in Report’s 60-year History
Healthier American economy, as measured by multiple indicators, was engine for 7.1 percent growth in charitable giving CHICAGO (June 16, 2015)—Americans gave an estimated $358.38 billion to charity in 2014,...
Industry Articles
Taget Analytics | donorCentrics™ Index of Direct Marketing Fundraising 2014 Results
Q4 2014 Summary Revenue for the index grew slightly in 2014, increasing a median 1.5% from 2013. 58% of the organizations in the index had revenue increases and 42% had...
Industry Articles
Communication is Key to Saving Money
Recently, I attended the DMAW’s Direct Mail 101 seminar. The major takeaway I had from the eight different sessions is that at every step of the process, proper communication can...
Industry Articles
The 2014 Charitable Giving Report
Blackbaud’s 2014 Charitable Giving Report includes 24 months of overall giving data from 4,798 nonprofit organizations representing more than $16.2 billion in total fundraising. The report also includes online giving...
Industry Articles
Obama Budget Again Calls for Limit to Charitable Deduction
Charity leaders expressed disappointment that President Obama once again pushed to limit the charitable deduction in the budget blueprint he sent to Congress on Monday. Part of a massive $4-trillion...
Industry Articles
Charitable Giving: How to evaluate and support good causes
With the holiday season upon us, small businesses will once again find their mailboxes overflowing with charitable appeals. A recent report by Blackbaud, a software provider for nonprofits, found that...
Industry Articles
Member Spotlight
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Amy Sukol Executive Vice-President Like many people in our industry, I fell into direct response fundraising by chance. Fresh from college and armed with a degree in history and...
Industry Articles
The Science Of A Donor Acquisition Package
If direct mail is a science like biology, then acquisition package testing might be a more specific discipline like microbiology. No matter how you classify acquisition package testing, it is...
Industry Articles
Consider the Environment. Print this.
Yep. You read that right. I’m sure we’ve all seen those disclaimers at the end of emails that say something like. “Please consider the environment before printing this email.” Similar...