The Magic Your Organization Needs
So often, the situation is the same: you’ve worked hard to acquire loyal, valuable donors. They receive a great series of appeals each year that use innovative strategies and best practices. Maybe you’ve incorporated some Planned Giving marketing and a monthly giving push into your thriving direct mail program. You might even have a robust major gift track with at least one person on the development team working to cultivate direct mail donors to give larger, significant gifts.
So, what’s missing? Where might you be leaving money on the table within a truly successful and well-rounded direct response program?
The answer: The people in the middle!
On June 14th, we will share why mid-level donors deserve—and want—more from your appeals, as well different approaches to reach them at the Wake Up & Learn: Mid-level Magic session in DC.
Your under $100 donors are the backbone of your donor file – they’re the little engine that could – but what about the mid-level donors who give you $100 or more, but are not quite at the ‘major gift’ level? It is likely that these mid-level donors would give a larger gift if you: first, make them feel special and second, present them with an offer or a case for support that they can’t say no to… One that is compelling, emotional, and really binds them to your work in a whole new way.
Creating a mid-level giving program or campaign looks different for everyone. If your organization is membership based with tangible benefits, offer your mid-level group a chance to upgrade with better premiums combined with a reminder of how their larger gifts make a greater impact. If benefits aren’t a natural fit because of your organization’s mission, getting an upgraded gift from your mid-level donors may be achieved through a high-touch package design, extensive personalization and, again, a solid case for support.
No matter how you do it – the techniques and strategies really are endless – make sure you know your donors. Consider what approach makes sense for your organization and its mission. Does using recognition benefits and a high-touch package make sense, or are they not necessary? Take the fundamentals of direct mail and build on them to generate more revenue from your valuable, committed mid-level donors.
On June 14th, my colleague Lisa Maska and I will present a few case studies of mid-level giving. We will show you what worked, what didn’t and why. We hope you’ll join us!